Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday in Goma

Early rise this morning, we had to be at Heal Africa for their morning devotions at 7:30. It was a nice 10 minute walk to Heal Africa, and we got a lot of looks as we went along the road. I don't now why, just 6 white people dressed the same walking up the street. Morning devotions was for all the employees and volunteers and was mandatory. Jessica spoke and shared in James 1 about joy in trials and perseverance that God will deliver. She did an excellent job and I am very proud of her for getting up before 200 people to share. It is always good to be the mix of the people and getting to interact with them as much as possible.

We spent some time at Beroya school that I had visited last fall and where PraiseWorks sponsors 5 children. Jessica lead the way as she, with translation help from Camille, taught some English to the children. She started with a song, Jesus Love Me, then moved to basic greetings. The kids did an excellent job and had a lot of fun with it. We also taught the children what a high five was and had them all high fiving each other when we left. I remembered some of the kids and most remembered me.

Camille took us on a very informational excursion to the Goma volcano observatory. There are 8 volcano's around Goma and 2 are very active. The last lava flow was in 2002 and it did a tremendous amount of damage. Turns out that without military conflict, Goma is still the most dangerous place to live. Volcano's, earthquakes, acid rain and the potential of the lake exploding make it very dangerous. We were taken to a the mouth where the lave flowed. I thought that lava came out of the top of the volcano, but it actually can travel under ground and come up miles away. There were three main mouths where the lave came out and it was quite a interesting place.

On the way back to the house, we stopped at Heal Africa for the women's meeting. This is all the women who are in recovery from sexual violence, a truly remarkable group. I introduced the group and Jenn, Nona and Jessica all shared and prayed with the women. I was taken back by a 9 year old girl who spoke life into all of us. She spoke with a depth, that would but most Christian adults to shame.

Now we are about to eat dinner, so I must go.

Pictures to come...



Dawn Smith said...

Praise God! Praise Him that you, Jessica, Jennifer, Patrick, Terry and Nona are there. What a blessing you are to C&E, the women of Heal Africa and all who you touch with Christ's love, compassion, provision, and presence. It's so good to read about all your experiences. Please keep up your updates. I will be praying. Blessings, Dawn

Becky Laswell said...

Glad it's going well! I met Terry's wife & family this morning at the baseball game, and Jessica (I think, maybe it was Jennifer's... sorry I forgot!) family last night. It was great to see how excited they are for their family members (you guys!) and the work you're doing. Keep it up and know we're praying for you all.

Michael - this link is for you (shrunk it down to save bandwidth):

Easter Sundae said...

so exciting! jess, you and your friends are in our prayers!!!