Sunday, September 21, 2008

Goma - Day 1

After 20 hours of plane travel, 12 hours in layovers and a 4 hour can ride, I arrived at the border of Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC). The border closes to vehicle traffic at 6pm and to foot traffic at 8pm, and we arrived at 7:55pm. We (Esther and Jonettle who works with Camille) quickly got ourselves through the border on foot to a waiting car driven by Clark a friend of the Ntoto's. Camille could not come get us as he tore a muscle in his right calf and was put in a full length cast for a week to immobilize the leg.

On Sunday we went to New Song Evangelistic Church, where I was the guest preacher. The message was received well and about 8 people made decisions to follow Jesus and be doers of the Word not just hearers. (See James 1:19-25) After church we went and had lunch on Lake Kivu in Rwanda. It was a nice time to relax and begin to catch up on life with Camille and Esther. Back in Goma, we began to strategize for the next week.

Some fighting broke out not too far outside Goma tonight. The word on the street is that MONUC (UN force in the DRC), mistakenly bombed a DRC military position that was keeping a dangerous warlord back. He since taken the position previously help by government troops. The injured and dead were brought back to Goma to the General Hospital. The governor came to check on the situation and the people began to throw stones at him, holding him responsible. The police came and had to use force to disburse the crowd. It's 9:15pm and things are quiet and we will reassess the situation in the morning.

Pray for Goma. Pray for the DRC. Pray for Camille, Esther & me.

Grace & Peace.


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