Sunday, September 28, 2008

Goma - Day 8

The early mornings keep getting earlier and earlier. I was up last night working the message for the first church and was having difficulty because of being so tired.
I decided to go to bed and get up at 5am to finish preparing and then ready to leave the house by 7:15am. The first service was at Heal Africa’s chapel and was attended by 200 or so people. Many of the people were women from Heal Africa’s programs. I preached on healing, that Jesus wants to heal and that we need to have some faith in our prayers as we ask for healing. I primarily used the passage in Mark 5 with the synagogue leader wanting healing for his daughter and the women how had been bleeding for 12 years touching Jesus’ robe for healing. At the end I asked for anyone who wanted healing to stand and raise a hand to God. I wanted to pray with each person individually, but I would still be there if I did that, so I had to do a collective prayer of healing for all. It was a very anointed time and I am looking forward to the testimony of healed hearts, minds and bodies.

We swung by home and grabbed a quick breakfast before heading to La Source Church. La Source is one of the original French speaking churches in Goma and the place was jump’n in worship. I spoke out of Ezekiel 22, the need for someone to stand in the gap. The church is the one that sound stand on the gap between how things are today and how there are meant to be. The church should be the catalyst for change in the world. Message seemed to be received well and after the service we sat down with the pastors and elders for a piece of cake a beverage.

We had lunch with Hayward, the US diplomat I had met at the end of last week. C & E shared with him what they are involved with and he wanted their take on the over all situation in Goma.

Back at the house, about 5:30pm, we decided to sit out side and relax. The weather had a different plan as a light sprinkle turn into a downpour with thunder and lightening. I think it has rained about evening since I arrived. As I type this power is out and I am using my flashlight to type.

Tomorrow I will be doing a morning seminar at a school for evangelists. I will be using some of the same material I used last week, plus some new material I need to finish preparing tonight.

Pray without ceasing!

Grace and Peace,


PS. Sometimes I add pictures a day later to these posts because of connection speed. So if you don't see a picture, check back later.

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