Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Here we go.

In less than 24hours, Patrick and I (Michael) will be off to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), for a 25 day trip.  We will be spending the first two week in and around Kinshasa the capital.  We are funding the purchase of a 400 acre farm which will be used to teach poor people how to farm.  This is a project that will help break the cycle of poverty for generation to come.  We are not sure all that we will be doing , so check back here and we will update as much as possible.  We will also we sponsoring 35 children, which will ensure that they are getting an education.  We will spend some time meeting some of the children and getting a look at their schools.

The third week will be spent in Eastern Congo in a city named Goma.  Goma is on the border with Rwanda and has had an influx of hundreds of thousands of refugees dating back to the Rwanda genocide in the early 1990's. We will be with Camille and Esther Ntoto of Light of Africa Network, who came and spoke at our church in February.  Check out their website as well as to see what work they are doing.

Patrick and I are very excited about this trip and appreciate all the support that has been given to us so far. I am personally excited to experience this with Patrick.  I get to experience the DRC through the eyes of someone who has never experienced this before, it keeps it fresh for me.

So I ask you to pray for us as we are praying for you.

Grace and Peace,

Michael and Patrick

1 comment:

Tara & Katelynn said...

Michael and Patrick,

We said a prayer for you today,
And know God must have heard.
We felt the answer in our hearts
Although He spoke no word.

We asked that He'd be near you
At the start of each new day,
To grant you both health and blessings
And friends to share your way.

We asked for happiness for you both
In all things great and small,
But it was for His loving care
We prayed the most of all.

God Bless you both and keep you safe through this wonderful journey. You are in our prayers!

Tara & Katelynn Frost